Research interests

I am a condensed matter physicist interested in the applications of quantum field theory to systems of strongly correlated electrons. I have done research on graphene, where a new hydrodynamic regime has been observed, where electron behave in a manner very similar to a classical fluid. My work has been applying techniques from the kinetic theory of gases to graphene. Another research interest of mine is the quantum Hall effect. I have studied how to excite the edge states of a quantum Hall system using quantum dots and how this may be used to obtain a single-particle source. My latest reserach focusses on bilayer quantum Hall systems, where two layers of quantum Hall fluid are coupled, giving rise to new and exciting (and poorly understood!) phases of matter.

I am currently in the third year of my PhD working in Prof Steve Simon’s research group at the University of Oxford. Previously I did my undergraduate and masters’ degree at the University of Oxford.